For difficult inner-city conversion and transformation areas, which cannot be integrated into a formal planning process due to fragmented ownership relationships and interests, we develop urban structure concepts and framework plans in cooperation with municipalities and/or private existing owners.
The developed concepts and visions show development potential, establish overarching guiding principles, and define rules. In this way, they serve as a basis for moderation and discussion in the development process as well as a planning basis for the step-by-step implementation of building guidance plans in sub-areas. In Munich, we were able to develop framework plans for the transformation into the productive city of tomorrow for two industrial bands with high development pressure, which combines production, trade, office and residential uses in a narrow space.
For companies, the location and its strategically planned development are a decisive factor for success: With our master planning, we develop future-proof and resilient concepts for new site development or plant restructuring.
The aim of the master planning and site development is to create an architectural set of rules that can react flexibly to changes in its structure. For example, we map potential growth in long-term land use and development strategies that hold up even in the event of future site changes.
The implementation in intelligent architecture that meets individual requirements permanently streamlines business processes and ensures their quality. We accompany you throughout the realisation and implementation of the master plan. On request, we document the detailed set of rules in a manual.
The neighborhood as a spatial unit of solidarity neighborhoods and social networks, as a place of living and working, equipped with a range of communal facilities, local services and quality open spaces forms the central element of a sustainable city in the sense of the “15-minute city”.
The most identity-building, attractive urban spaces and neighborhoods are mostly living, changing structures that look back on a rich history of different uses and users. Therefore, in our view, the integration, revitalization, reuse, transformation or re-densification of existing building structures and urban spaces is an essential key to the development of identity-building, attractive economically successful and, above all, sustainable and climate-neutral urban design concepts.
The office campus transforms an old industrial area – cubature, roof structure and colors reinterpret the former industrial area characterized by brick buildings and shed roofs.
For sustainable, inclusive urban development, we always follow a multi-scale design approach to test the objectives, strategies and concepts at different scales from the object to the neighborhood and the city to the region for their resilience and sustainability. Similarly, we understand urban development as a multidisciplinary task that takes into account a variety of expertise – landscape, mobility, climate, sociology, etc. – and combines them into integrated concepts.