allmannwappner is an internationally active office based in Munich and Berlin. More than 140 employees from different nations work in project teams whose composition is geared to the respective planning task.
Our work is multi-faceted and has received numerous awards and accolades. Each of our projects enters into a contextual dialogue with its spatial circumstances. In the process of creation, we seek positions that are based on both aesthetic sensibility and rational, precise structures, and that test design conventions.
With specialists from all relevant disciplines, we ensure the success of excellent architecture at every stage of its creation, in order to develop a distinctive solution within the agreed project framework with the best of all good possibilities. Many more are involved in its genesis: Planning partners, clients, institutions and users. Openness and mutual appreciation characterize our cooperation.
allmannwappner is a participant in the United Nations Global Compact Initiative and supports the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By supporting the UN Global Compact, we want to show that we assume sustainable and social responsibility in our actions as a company.
Until the end of 2021, the office operated under the name Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten GmbH.
The allmannwappner gmbh covers all service phases - from the basic evaluation to the completion of the projects.
In addition to conventional architectural design, our service portfolio includes
For many years, we have provided consulting services for building contractors in their urban planning, site development or factory restructuring projects, working together to develop custom, high-quality, high-performance architecture.
One key element at the start of any project is the requirements analysis, in which we analyze workflows, usage patterns, development scenarios and space requirements in addition to factors such as corporate culture and characteristics that best express the client’s identity. We identify all particularities and interdependencies, translate them into a comprehensive set of process-related, structural and spatial specifications and deliver a cohesive architectural solution. In our master plans, we develop long-term, flexible and sustainable strategies for the use and development of a space and draft clear structural and architectural guidelines. Corporate decision-making and procurement processes are streamlined; consistent quality guaranteed. We develop identity-shaping corporate architecture that guarantees a high recognition factor and is flexible enough to be customized for use across the organization.
Our founders and partners also act as advisors in committees, jury panels and urban planning commissions. They support and advise municipal governments, public entities and building contractors in their strategic planning and in the design of their building projects.
This dedicated department evaluates the potential of construction sites and existing buildings with regard to planning, construction law and commercial success. Based on that evaluation, we weigh all possible opportunities and risks as we determine realistic next steps for the process. Taking construction law concerns into account, we identify the qualities of the site in an urban planning context and define the optimal utilization plan at an early stage.
For end-to-end project management from a single service provider, our Lead Design services cover the organization, management and oversight of all participants during all performance phases of a project. Above all, this demands consistency in design, quality assurance during realization and efficient, close collaboration with all relevant experts.
The priority here is establishing a link to the architecture itself – we understand and design interiors and exteriors as a cohesive unit. Design concepts developed for the architecture continue in the interior, creating homogeneous, easy-to-understand spaces across the entire project.
Quality is one of our core values. In our definition, quality stands for commit-
ment to design and precision.
Context-aware design and a dialectical approach are the signature features of our project development process. Through the use of various digital and analog media and tools, we experiment with two and three-dimensional concepts and craft possible solutions. From the first sketch to the completed building, our Design Directors are involved in every performance phase.
We see close, project-specific collaboration with relevant experts as a key prerequisite for project success. Interdisciplinary consulting teams with engineering professionals play a prominent role in the early stages of a project in an aim to achieve forward-looking innovations and ensure the structural feasibility of our designs.
With our Design Directors involved in every performance phase, we guarantee that all of our projects make a bold design statement. The same applies to our attention to detail in implementation and proactive process management during execution. A dedicated project management staff takes responsibility for deadlines, expenses and performance throughout the duration of the project. A circular process of planning, execution, evaluation and implementation (Plan - Do - Check - Act) enables us to identify and leverage any potential for improvement. We structure our workflows using the DIN 69901 Quality Management System and the DIN/EN 6990 Project Management standards.
Our office relies on a building information modelling (BIM) system. This model-based process with 3D visualization increases transparency, optimizes interface management and improves communication between participants during all project phases: from design and planning to construction and occupancy.
M.Sc. Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
System Engineer, IHK für München und Oberbayern
Markus Allmann received a professorship at the Institute of Conception of Space and Principles of Design (IRGE) at the University of Stuttgart in 2006 and has served as a visiting professor at the Peter Behrens School of Architecture in Dusseldorf.
In addition to serving on the Architectural Advisory Board of the city of Ludwigsburg, Markus Allmann has authored numerous publications and articles. His opus Optionen – Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten, illuminated the firm’s constant quest for sound solutions. The narrative focuses on specific projects and the themes associated with them, all of which lie at the interface between architecture and society and break through the boundaries of conventional architecture. Markus Allmann has also served on or chaired the juries of several architecture competitions and peer review committees.
Lead Graphic Designer
Dipl. Kommunikationsdesign, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München
Dipl. Audiovisuelle Medien / Mediendesign, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
M.Sc. Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart
Working Student
B.A. Architecture, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
Managing Director of IntCDC Planungs GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
M.Sc. Architektur, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Specialist Engineer Timber Construction, Hochschule Rosenheim
IT-Systemmanager, 1st and 2nd Level Support
Kaufmann für IT-System-Management, IHK für München u. Oberbayern
Communication Consulting & Project Development
Master of International Economy, Kyiv National Economic University
Master of Foreign Policy, Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
M.A. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
M.Sc. Architecture, University of Liechtenstein
M.A. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
M.Sc. Architecture, Universität Stuttgart
BIM Management
Diplôme d'Etat d’Architecte, Ecole d'Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires à Marne la Vallée, Paris
Partner, Director
Design Director
Dipl.-Ing. Architect, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
M.A. Architecture, Technische Universität München
M.A. Architecture, Technical University Munich
M.Sc. Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Dipl.–Ing. Architektur, Universität Navarra
Head of BIM Management
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, FH Joanneum Graz
buildingSMART Professional Certification Foundation
M.A. Architecture, TH Nuremberg
M.A. Architecture, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
M.Sc. Architektur und Stadtplanung, Universität Stuttgart
Architect (ES)
M.A. Architektur, E.T.S.A Universidad Politécnica, Madrid
M.A. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
Senior Project Management General Planning
Architect ByAK + ARB (UK)
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Technische Universität München
Projektmanagement IPMA Level D, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Architect ByAK, Urban Planning ByAK
Arquitecta, E.T.S.A Universidad, Valladolid (ES)
Master in Project Management, OBS Business School
School building consultant, Montag Stiftung
Working Student
Head of Feasibility Studies
Architect / Urban Planning
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
M.Arch., Berlage Institute Rotterdam
Project Leader Consulting & Project Development
M.Sc. Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
M.Sc. Architecture, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London
Architect ByAK, RIBA + ARB (UK)
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Hochschule Darmstadt
Project Leader
Bachelor of Architecture, North Carolina State University
Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture
Project Leader
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
Master of Light and Lighting, Lighting Academy Bartenbach Aldrans
Master of Advanced Architecture, IAAC Barcelona
Architect ByAK
M.Sc. Architektur und Stadtplanung, Universität Stuttgart
Fachingenieur Holzbau, Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
Arquiteta e Urbanista, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasilien
Interior architecture
B.T.S. brevet de technicien supérieur, École Boulle Paris
M.A. Architecture (DIA), Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau
Managing Director
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Hochschule München
Akademie der Bildenen Künste, München
Executive MBA, Technische Universität, München
M.Sc. Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Technische Universität München
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Technische Universität München
M.A. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
Head of façade planning
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Universität Stuttgart
Specialist Engineer Façade
M.A. Architektur, Fachhochschule Erfurt
Fachingenieur Fassade, Hochschule Augsburg
Project Leader Feasibility Studies
M.Sc. Architektur und Stadtplanung, Universität Stuttgart
Real Estate Economist (IRE/BS)
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Hochschule Regensburg
Certified Specialist Engineer for Monument Protection, Bauhaus-University Weimar
M.Sc. Architektur und Stadtplanung, Universität Stuttgart
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Technische Universität München
M.Sc. Architektur, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Assistant Project Accounting
Industrial Management Assistant, International Business Management, IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg
M.A. Architecture, Hochschule München
Partner, Director
Senior Project Leader
Architect ByAK
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Architekt ByAK + OAT (ITA)
M.Sc. Architecture, Politechnikum Turin
Working Student
B.Sc. Architecture, TU Kaiserslautern
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Technische Universität Graz
Specialist Engineer Timber Construction, Hochschule Rosenheim
M.Sc. Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
M.A. Architecture, Dessau Institute of Architecture
Project Leader Consulting & Project Development
M.Sc. Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
M.A. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
M.Eng. in Architecture and Building Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
M.A. Architecture, University of Architecture, Civil Eng. and Geodesy, Sofia
Arquitecto, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Working Student
B.Sc. Architecture, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Partner, Director
Senior Project Leader
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Hochschule München
Fachingenieur für Bauprojektmanagement, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Projektmanagement IPMA Level D
Project Management General Planning
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
Head of Interior Design
Interior Architect
Dipl.-Ing. Innenarchitektur, Akademie der bildenden Künste München
Dipl.-Ing. Architcture, Technische Universität München
M.Sc. Architecture, Technical University of Berlin
M.Sc. Architecture, RWTH Aachen University
Senior Project Leader
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes
Team Leader
M.A. Architektur, Technische Universität München
B.Sc. Architektur und Stadtplanung, Universität Stuttgart
Senior Project Leader
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Hochschule Darmstadt, Akademie der bildenden Künste München
M.A. Architecture, Nuremberg Institute of Technology
M.A. Architecture, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
M.Sc. Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart
Partner, Director
Senior Project Leader
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Technische Universität München / Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Project Leader Consulting & Project Development
M.A. Architecture, Technische Universität München
Ing. Arch., Tschechische Technische Universität Prag
M.Sc. Architecture, Universität Kassel
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, University of Stuttgart
Partner, Director
Head of Consulting & Project Development
Dipl.-Ing. Architektur, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
Projektplanung IntCDC Planungs GmBH
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
M.A. Architecture, Technische Universität München
Ing. Arch., Tschechische Technische Universität Prag
M.A. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
Working Student
B.Sc. Architecture, Technische Universität München
Partner, Director
Head of Competition
Dipl.-Ing Architecture, Universität Stuttgart
Projektmanagement IPMA Level D, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Partner, Director
Design Director
Dipl.-Ing. Architecture, Hochschule München
M.Sc. of Advanced Architectural Design, Columbia University New York
M.A. Architecture, Technische Universität München
Ludwig Wappner is a founding partner of Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten. Previously, he worked as a salaried architect and as a research assistant at the Chair of Building Theory and Design Prof. Bernhard Winkler at the Technical University in Munich. Since 2010 he is professor for building construction and design at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT as well as visiting professor at national and international universities, among others the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart and the "Central Academy of fine Arts" CAFA in Beijing.
Ludwig Wappner is a member of several urban design advisory boards, currently in the city of Mannheim and the city of Pforzheim as well as the advisory group of the trade fair city Munich-Riem. Previously, he was a member of the urban design commission of the state capital of Munich and of the architectural and urban design advisory boards of the cities of Trier, Ingolstadt and Bamberg. He is also a long-standing member of the BDA, the Bavarian Representative Assembly in the Chamber of Architects, the Examination Commission for Structural Engineering Trainees of the State of Baden-Württemberg, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Schelling and Rossmann Foundation in Karlsruhe. He is active as a judge and chairman of architectural competitions and expert procedures. Lectures and publications of professional articles, as well as guest critiques and workshops in a national and international context are also part of his field of activity.
M.A. Architecture, Technical University of Munich
M.A. Architecture, Fachhochschule Erfurt
B.A. Architecture, Hochschule München
Dipl.-Ing. Architekt, Universität Stuttgart
allmannwappner has set itself the target of lowering greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2030 by gradually reducing the office's carbon footprint. For this purpose, our company creates an annual Corporate Carbon Footprint based on the guidelines of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard (Scope1, Scope2 and Scope3) compared to the CO2 baseline 2021. In so doing, allmannwappner will have achieved "climate neutrality" since 2021, which will be reached through savings and in-process offsetting of the CO2 footprint with high-quality climate protection certificates.
Each member of the staff at allmannwappner has a decisive impact on the work we do through their unique personality and dedication, and our culture of collaboration is predicated on openness, respectful interaction and mutual esteem. In our quest to achieve the best possible solution for every endeavor, we are continually evolving and looking for new talent to complete our team. We are a team that promotes diversity and equal opportunities and therefore welcome applications from people with disabilities.
We look forward to receiving your application by email, stating your earliest possible starting date and salary expectations, to [email protected].
allmannwappner gmbh
Stephanie Fritsch and Ilona Bosch
Nymphenburger Straße 125
80636 München
As a member of the allmannwappner team, we soul like to share with you the joy of creating excellent architecture.
These are your tasks:
Here´s what you bring:
Here´s what we offer you:
We are currently looking for an architect (m/f/d) to support the early phases (competitions, studies, consulting & project development) in advising clients on their projects of urban planning, site development, factory restructuring, building permits, volume studies, concept planning and feasibility resting, in order to develop an individual, high-quality and high-performance architecture together with them.
These are your tasks:
This is what you bring:
This is what we offer you:
We are currently looking for an architect (m/f/d) who will support our team with his extensive experience.
These are your tasks:
This is what you bring:
This is what we offer you:
As a team member of allmannwappner, we want to share with you the joy of the process of creating excellent architecture: During your internship of at least three months you will work in our project teams in all phases of performance.
This is what you bring:
Here is what we offer:
allmannwappner gmbh
Nymphenburger Straße 125
80636 Munich
Fon: +49.89-139925-0
Fax: +49.89-139925-99
[email protected]
Press contact: Alexandra Wagner
[email protected]
Job applications: Stephanie Fritsch und Ilona Bosch
[email protected]
Berlin office:
allmannwappner gmbh
Am Lokdepot 10
10965 Berlin
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allmannwappner gmbh
Nymphenburger Straße 125
80636 Munich
Fon: +49.89-139925-0
Fax: +49.89-139925-99
[email protected]
Registry court: Amtsgericht München
Registry number: HR 152369
Managing directors: Markus Allmann, Frank Karlheim, Ludwig Wappner
Sales tax identification number persuant to
§ 27a of the tax act: DE 236913163
Responsible for content according to § 18 para. 2 MStV:
Markus Allmann
Corporate Management: Prof. Markus Allmann, Frank Karlheim (Managing Director), Prof. Ludwig Wappner (Managing Director)
Managing Partner: Prof. Carola Dietrich, Kilian Jokisch, Robert Liedgens, Philipp Pott, Susanne Rath, Andreas Scholz, Veronika Stetter, Katharina Thomas, Philipp Vogeley, Alexandra Wagner
Design: NODE, Berlin, Oslo
Programming: Systemantics, Viersen
Umsetzung: Roswitha Allmann, Lion Krauß, Alexandra Wagner
Concept: Janosch Welzien, Nina Eisenbrand, Pedro Ferreira, Prof. Carola Dietrich
Translation: analog fachübersetzungen, Munich
Employee Photos: Ulrike Myrzik, Myrzik & Jarisch Munich