The office building serves as a service centre for 2 BASF companies, the housing agency LUWOGE and the employer-based health insurer Fortisnova. It forms a key component of the new Brunckviertel development.
The existing buildings on Brunck Strasse are immersed in a dense growth of small trees, and the design strives to retain this local character despite the linearity the site demands. In order to shield both the offices and the park behind them from noise pollution, the northern section of the building acts an acoustic barrier. While the office modules offer space for uninterrupted communication and concentration, the green spaces between them display a private character. The building acts as a noise barrier to Brunck Strasse, while at the same time preserving and prioritizing the direct sightline to the park. Fully-glazed panels at the entrance and stairwells provide a visual break in the hermetic façade. Planted courtyards give the structure a rhythmic pattern, interweaving the trees along the avenue to the north with the park to the south. The transition between indoors and outdoors remains fluid throughout.
The three-story office modules and the green space interspersed between them form the main linear footprint. Positioned as an inset, the two-story customer service lobby becomes a focal point of the building and receives natural light and ventilation thanks to two atriums.
Specialist planners:
realgrün Landschaftsarchitekten, Munich (Landscape design)
Werner Sobek Ingenieure GmbH, Stuttgart (Structural design)
Schreiber Beratende Infgenieure, Ulm (Building services)
Schiller + Partner, Fassadenberater, Kornwestheim (Facade)
Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Stuttgart (Energy planning)
Horstmann + Berger, Ing.Büro für Bauphysik, Altensteig (Building physics)