Our design for the new structure on the SRH Campus in Heidelberg was awarded first prize in a competition for multiple contracts, after which we received the commission for its construction. This hybrid building with residential space as well as recreation and sports facilities is the first element to be constructed as part of the new master plan for the SRH Campus Sports e.V. Our concept aims to achieve a building that serves as a reference for further development on the bend of the Neckar River and is therefore designed to be visually striking. The project is currently in the revision phase.
The building comprises two structures that are connected by a central atrium. In its architectural form, we designed the building as a symbiotic structure – the purpose of the interior is revealed in the façade design and assimilated to its respective context in shape and color. An open-plan layout provides common areas for social interaction, blurring the boundaries between work, leisure, learning and living. This is apparent in the atrium, where the view extends to both the upper floors and the basement with its climbing wall. In our effort to accommodate the large spaces needed for the sports complex, we have located the swimming pool in the basement and created usuable space within support structure as a self-supporting space framework.
Bright, attractive and functional apartments are located in various formats and sizes in the residential tower. The wooden modular construction allows us to be very precise with our prefabricated components and allows us to build this much-needed student housing very quickly. Wood paneling adds to the building’s friendly atmosphere and improved air quality. The community terrace serves as a complement to the ample green space in the central park, providing opportunities for recreation and sports as well as sweeping views over the campus.
General Planning:
Specialist planners:
Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering, Stuttgart (Structural design)
Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Munich (Energy planning)
hhpberlin, Munich (Fire proofing)
Forbes Massie Studio, London