With two new school buildings, the design envisions a compact and stylish educational campus that provides a forward-looking, multifunctional environment, while also serving as a landmark for this new emerging city district.
The design integrates the two schools – a primary school with a daycare center and a secondary school with its own indoor pool – into the urban context. They fill the entire footprint of the site, each positioning itself as its own block within the city grid. The overall structure of the district therefore becomes tangible; children of all ages see the schools as their own and identify with them. With the roofs of both schools embedded in a trellis structure, the buildings achieve the prominence they deserve relative to the neighboring architecture. The additional story on the secondary school highlights its role as the gateway to the new district. Both buildings use a similar architectural language, differing only in the details.
The fully-glazed façade in the classroom area features a grid pattern of wood-framed windows that gradually becomes a perforated façade towards the outer edges. Cantilevered escape balconies protect the large glazed panels and the classrooms behind them. Spaces for different uses are stacked vertically on successive platforms and two atriums link the upper and lower floors to form a focal point and provide ventilation and natural light to the main rooms. So-called houses of learning on each floor provide space for communication as well as concentration and all areas are fully accessible and barrier free to promote inclusion.
Specialist planners:
Knippers Helbig GmbH, Stuttgart (Structural design)
Schüller Landschaftsarchitekten, Munich (Landscape design)
Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Munich (Energy planning)
hhpberlin GmbH, Munich (Fire proofing)
Matthes Max Modellbau GmbH, Munich (Model making)